Privacy & Data Protection Policy


This Privacy & Data Protection Policy provides information on how personal data may be gathered, processed, and protected. Dev by Dev Recruitment aims to only use the minimum amount of data to successful engage in its primary business of recruiting high quality candidates for the software industry. It covers both the information for a company that is recruiting (client(s)), and the information for individuals who will be put forward for open roles (candidate(s)).

This document forms both a Privacy and a Data Protection policy which covers data protection laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).

Dev by Dev Recruitment is committed to protecting personal data and ensuring that it is processed in a fair, lawful, and transparent manner. This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis or as required by changes in applicable laws and regulations.

What personal data of mine is processed?

Dev by Dev Recruitment will only process personal data where it has a lawful basis for doing so. This includes where it is necessary for the performance of a contract to a client, or to providing a quality service to a candidate.

For a client, the data held is the minimum necessary for engaging in business, it would include:

  • Type of business engaged in
  • Details of open roles
  • Location
  • Contacts of key individuals
  • Billing details
For a candidate:
  • CV
  • Contact details
  • Test scores

Who is responsible for processing my personal data?

Dev by Dev Recruitment has the overall responsibility for the processing of data. Data can be stored in third-party cloud systems, meaning data may be transferred outside of the UK if the data centres are situated there. Dev By Dev Recruitment aims to minimise the transfer of data and will favour local data centres when it can.

What permits the use of my personal data?

Dev by Dev Recruitment has both a lawful right and obligation to process your personal data in order to conduct legitimate business with both the client and candidate.

Why is my personal data processed?

Your data needs to be processed to enable successful direct and indirect business transactions, such as receipt of orders and delivery of sales contracts. Accurate records will also allow for an improved experience when interacting with Dev by Dev Recruitment on future occasions. Legally we must also keep a record of transactions for a statuary time of 10 years.

What rights do I have?

You have the right to:

  • Object to the processing of your personal data (assuming statuary requirements can still be met)
  • Opt-out from receiving marketing messages and materials
Additionally, you also have the right to:
  • Request access to your personal data
  • Verify the accuracy of your personal data
  • Have incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated personal data amended, modified, or erased
  • Under certain circumstances, invoke the right to be forgotten

From where is my data collected and obtained?

We collect personal data:

  • Directly from you, e.g., when you connect with us through LinkedIn or have a phone call
  • From your superiors or colleagues

Who else processes my personal data?

Apart from the aforementioned third-parties where data may be stored, Dev by Dev Recruitment does not allow anyone else to process your data.

How long is my personal data kept and used?

At most ten (10) years after the last business activity where you have been involved. Additionally, as the case may require, we may have to extend your personal data retention on the grounds of establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims or execution of our internal investigations.

Is it not possible to do business without processing my personal data?

Dev by Dev Recruitment will only collect and process the personal data that is deemed necessary. We must have certain information by law to enter a business transaction with you. You can request any information you deem unnecessary to be removed, but it will impact your own interactions with Dev by Dev Recruitment. E.g. you may have to repeat information you had previously given, etc.