Recruiting better developers

Developers recruiting Developers

As developers ourselves, we offer more than traditional recruiters by:

  • Pre-screening candidates
  • By pairing up and working with the candidates we can verify the level of the skills they claim to have on their CVs.

  • Saving your team's time
  • Because we have performed a technical assessment on the candidates, your Dev team no longer needs to. This is a serious time saver, especially when interviewing multiple candidates. Your team can instead focus on their day to day efforts.

  • Speeding up your hiring process
  • No more multi-stage interviews, requiring several visits to the office and the candidate needing to take time off work each time. The candidates you receive are tested and ready. You simply need to meet them and decide if they are the candidate for you.

Bespoke Technical Assessments

We tailor our testing to meet your specific hiring needs. While there is a need for general problem solving skills, you should consider:

  • Business specific calculations
  • The candidate may be able to write code to reverse a string using the smallest amount of memory, but do they have a grasp of the sort of calculations you do in your business?

  • Logical and Safety Considerations
  • If your system is responsible for controlling machinery safely and consistently, the candidates ability to explain the bubblesort algorithm is less useful to you than their ability to write safe code that fails gracefully, if it fails at all.

  • Performance Issues
  • If you are hiring someone to squeeze extra milliseconds from your system's response times, you want to ensure the candidate is writing code that is both clean and effective.